Music Lovers (a farce, adapted by Reggie Oliver)


Music Lovers (a farce, adapted by Reggie Oliver)

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SKU: 9780573121692 Categories: ,

Title: Music Lovers (a farce, adapted by Reggie Oliver)
Author: Feydeau, Georges
Price: $13.95

M1 F4. An apartment salon. Period 1890s

Set in 1890s Paris and very typically Feydeau in style, this lively and fast-moving play revolves around the idea of mistaken identity. Lucille awaits her new music teacher but the man who walks into her apartment is Edouard, in the mistaken belief that he is attending a rendezvous with his mistress. A series of hilarous misunderstandings and double entendres ensues.

Publisher: Samuel French Ltd
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780573121692
Publishing status: OS Archived


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